Thursday, September 24, 2015

Journal #2- With Pa$$w0rds Comes Anxiety?


            The TED Talk I chose for this assignment is titled “What’s Wrong with Your Pa$$w0rd?” by Lorrie Faith Cranor, a computer science and engineering professor at Carnegie Melon University.  Basically, this presentation is about the troubles people go through with having to choose and memorize such complicated passwords for so many different things so hackers have less of a chance of getting into personal accounts.  Lorrie shows her audience the research done at the university, including what the most effective and secure choice of password is that someone can use.  The best thing someone can do when creating a password, according to the statistics, is pick a longer word that is easily pronounceable, but not something used in a usual day to day conversation, or maybe not even a real word.  An example of this would be the word “tassawaki.”  A presentation like this may not always seem extremely exciting, but it was actually quite interesting.  It showed just how easy it can be for someone to hack a password and get any information needed.  Lorrie started out by talking about how many requirements there usually are for creating a password.  Most websites and companies ask for 8 characters, an uppercase letter, a lowercase letter, a digit, a symbol, and no more than 3 of any character.  This is something we can all relate to, especially as college students, because just having to create a password for our school emails requires most or all of those things.  Even the title of this presentation shows just how complicated a password can be.  I think the hardest thing for all of us is having to memorize so many different passwords because it seems like everything on the internet requires one now.  I’m sure that all of us can understand why passwords need to be so detailed, no matter how annoying, but until this TED Talk, I didn’t realize just how important it truly is to make them long or difficult because it is extremely easy for smart hackers to figure them out.              

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Journal #1- Which is the Better Genre? Country or Rap?

“The Believing Game”
Alison Clark
Country vs. Rap

            A type of music that not only gives a good message, but also gives its audience something to relate to, the genre of country music is one that never gets old.  Every song has a story or a lesson to learn, maybe even something to make the audience laugh.  Country music is heartfelt, it is there to raise one’s spirit or to give someone the feeling that they’re not alone when it comes to tough times in life.  Every age can enjoy this diverse genre of music.  From old country music to new, no topic has ever been off limits for the message or story of a song.  Yes, rap music can have good messages too and can be relate-able, but country music just gives its audience a whole different feeling when listening to it.  Country music is summertime music, party music, love songs, feel good songs, slow songs when needed, and songs that give chills.

            When it comes to creativity, powerful lyrics, and intense rhyming, rap is hands down an incredible genre of music.  No other type of music could ever compare to the beat of a rap song.  A rap song can tell a story.  It can talk about anything from the highs and lows in life to everyday situations, love, heartbreak, and everything in between.  Rap is distinctive, no other genre of music compares to its upbeat tempos and fast rhyming.  Not just anyone can rap, it is a talent that makes the music only more unique.  The diversity of rap makes it perfect for anybody of and type to enjoy listening to.  Rap music is sometimes thought of as being more explicit and ‘dangerous’ than country music, but that is just a matter of opinion and only makes the music more exciting and different.  Rap is a universally loved genre for a reason.   

Test 2

                                                                                  Anything But Mine

Test 1

Microsoft Default

This is a test.